
Dartmouth Sophomores: Introduction to One Small Step on Campus

Stephanie Glaros and Cole Johnston

Monday, Aug. 5, 7 p.m.



Join the campus team from StoryCorps’ One Small Step to learn about their partnership with the Dialogue Project to encourage one-on-one conversations across differences at Dartmouth. Practice reflective listening skills, then pair up for a mini-OSS conversation with a fellow sophomore. In breakout rooms, you’ll practice your listening skills in real time as your partner shares some of their life experiences, then they will do the same for you. We’ll conclude with an opportunity to reflect and learn other ways you can get involved in this important work.

Stephanie Glaros discovered the power of storytelling as a magazine art director. She’s the founder of Humans of Minneapolis, a photoblog and book of portraits and audio interviews collected on the streets of her hometown. She taught graphic design and visual communication at the University of Minnesota’s Hubbard School of Journalism and at Minneapolis College. She joined StoryCorps as a One Small Step facilitator, and is now associate director of campus partnerships for One Small Step.

Cole Johnston is an educator and dialogue practitioner hailing from cowboy country in rural Oregon. He discovered his passion for bridging social and political divides as a first-generation college student and facilitator for Cornell’s Intergroup Dialogue Project, where he saw the stark contrasts in experience and perspective between his community of origin and his campus community. He currently serves as One Small Step’s manager of student programs.

Meaningful Conversations on Contentious Issues

Summer 2024

We’re partnering with the Constructive Dialogue Institute (CDI) to provide training for student-facing staff and faculty leaders on how to facilitate meaningful conversations on contentious issues. Trainers will lead a half-day workshop where participants will receive an introduction CDI’s PSI (Prepare-Support-Intervene) approach; gain out-of-the box strategies to create a culture of trust for dialogue; examine different ways to support student use of dialogue across differences; and learn best practices for intervening in moments of conflict. (Workshops are by invitation only.)